Our Meat and eggs at Sunrising Farms is high quality meat that is humanely and sustainably raised with the environment, mother earth, and you in mind. Our animals are pastured raised, non-GMO fed and raised with love. All animals have access to nature and food that is locally sourced. You can purchase our products Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Carrboro Farmers Market, at the Farm and soon our Online Delivery Order List “Coming Soon”

Email SunrisingFarms@gmail.com for Wednesday and Saturday pick-up orders at The Carrboro Farmers Market

Price Guide for Our Products

*Free Delivery to Greensboro and Asheboro on all orders over $150


  • Not mixed together but sold separately in half lbs packs

  • Sold separately in 1 to 3 lb. packages

  • Backs sold in 2-3 lb. packs. Great for your chicken stock. Lots of meat attached


